The archeologists examine cultivated land and look for cooking recesses

Every day something new happens on the church site. Here you can see the archeologists Dag-Øyvind Engtrø, Silje Sandø Rullestad and Synne Husby Rostad proudly showing off the interesting find of a possible burial cairn. This cairn was buried by a land slide just after the birth of Christ, so these stones have not seen daylight for about 2000 years!

Some ten meters further east there are traces of burnt wood and ashes. This may be cultivated land which has been burnt, but they are also looking for cooking recesses in the ground.

Read the archeologists blogg<link http: undersokelse antatt-gravroys-pa-kalvskinnet-i-trondheim-utgravningen-er-i-gang external-link-new-window external link in new> her